Thursday, November 7, 2013

You can't judge a book by it's cover...

Most people associate me with manners, pearls, and Chanel... I  actually get asked if I wear or own sweats at least twice a week. I know it comes from seeing me in work attire and in my business environment. But, I have many layers, I feel there are times and places for everything, and if I'm in a professional setting, that is what I am....Professional. I actually listen to rap, hip hop, jazz, alternative, folk, country, and pop music. I have an obsession with Mike and Ike's, I have more than one messy dresser drawer, I've been known to dance on tables, I've smoked, and used profane language. 

Making up a persona for someone else is the fantasy you have for them. But, we all have many layers, if all you have is surface stuff, you can end up being very empty. Living life means seeing things from a different perspective. I want to LIVE life, not just exist on this earth. That's why I love Chanel so much, she was born in poverty, given away by her father to an orphanage, became a follies girl ( kinda like a strip tease singer/dancer), she had a sugar daddy take care of her and open her first atelier. Her brand now is associated with tradition, etiquette, and wealth. If that's not the perfect testimony to having layers, I don't know what is...

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