Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Shamless Selfies...

If you haven't mastered your own selfie by now, you either don't have a smart phone or you truly don't like pictures of yourself. More than 31million Instagram photos have been hashtagged #selfie. 
Some of the coolest photoblogs are on Intagram, take Sara Sucker's ( Nars, PR girl) mirrored wall in her lobby at work, every morning she post a selfie of her outfit, or Coco Rocha's ( Model) Pic Stitch, where she groups her selfies in a collage so you can see details of her outfit, and Karlie Kloss's ( model) Kissy faces and Smooches, which she sends out daily to her followers on Intagram.
 Many may say that this is self absorbed or narcissistic, but I argue that people will try to make you feel badly about yourself, due to their own feelings about their appearance or looks. If you feel confident and secure let the world see you!

Coco Rocha

Sara Sucker

Karlie Kloss

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